

Learn how you can become a member.

Membership Information

KOTC is a volunteer dog obedience training club that relies on its members to conduct the day-to-day tasks involved in all the aspects of running a dog obedience club.  This includes assisting with training classes as well as with our trials and other club events.  We also participate in various community events.  Our Members are the roots of this club.  We support and encourage our members with their own goals whether it be for well-mannered dogs or competition dogs.  We encourage and welcome people who are interested in becoming part of our dog family!

We meet the second Tuesday of every month at 7 PM. Due to Covid risk, we are currently meeting online via Zoom meeting. To get the login information, send email to President Cindi Robusto at  We welcome dog-loving folks to attend our meetings to learn more about our club and our mission in the community.

If you’re interested in becoming a KOTC member, please complete the Membership Application form and follow instructions as stated on the application.

Lifetime, Individual and Junior Members are eligible for our annual club awards. Complete the Awards Request form and follow instructions as stated on the form.

What are the prerequisites for joining the club?

Our club depends on the willingness of our members to attend and participate in our meetings and to volunteer for our outreach activities. All applicants must perform at least 4 hours of club work prior to applying for membership. Examples include but are not limited to stewarding for the trials, assisting with classes, participating in public service events or setting up and taking down for classes.

Individual Membership

Open to all individuals 18 years of age and older. Individuals applying for membership must have trained and worked for the club prior to submission of application. Individual members pay annual dues and are eligible to vote, hold office and qualify for trophy awards.

To renew Individual Membership each year, members must have attended at least two meetings during the prior club year (January 1st to December 31st) and have performed a minimum of eight hours of volunteer work for the Club. Members unable to meet the requirements for renewal may change their membership status from Individual Member to Associate Member.

Associate Membership

Open to all individuals 18 years of age and older who live outside the local area and/or cannot attend meetings. Individuals applying for membership must have trained and worked for the club prior to submission of application. Associate members pay annual dues and are entitled to all club privileges except voting, holding office, and trophy awards

Junior Membership

Open to all persons who are nine (9) to eighteen (18) years of age. Junior members shall enjoy all the privileges of the Club except voting and holding office.  Upon a junior member’s 18th birthday, the junior member will be eligible for the regular membership.